Investment Advice | Aberdein Considine Wealth

A balanced approach to protect you if bubbles burst

Free guide: Investment portfolio diversification

By maintaining proper portfolio diversification and avoiding the pitfalls of market timing, you’ll have the foundation needed to help manage your overall exposure to market volatility.

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Many people are exploring investments to make their money work harder for them.

Our independent financial advisers can help analyse what investments could do for you, whilst offering risk and taxation flexibility to suit your needs.

Finding the right investments for you

Understanding the risks you'll encounter when investing, and deciding how much risk you are willing to take, is fundamental.

Our independent financial advisers will help you understand where the risks lie and we can help you spread your risk across a number of different products and asset classes, including:

  • Bonds & Gilts – corporate bonds are investments based on business loans offered by private companies and are ‘rated’ based on the ability of the issuer to maintain interest payments and repay the loan. Some funds also invest in government bonds (known as gilts).
  • Property – investing in either a commercial or residential building. For investors looking to diversify their portfolio, property funds have historically offered attractive returns.
  • Equities (shares) – buying a stake in a company or multiple companies. Over the long-term, equities have historically offered better returns for investors. However, they can be subject to short-term fluctuations.
  • Investment ‘Funds’ – Specialist investment managers will often manage a pool of investments that invests in one or more of the above categories, the aim being to diversify the risk across a spread of equities, bonds, or both. There are hundreds of investment funds available, each with their own specific aims and objectives.

You may also be able to include your investment within a tax-efficient product such as an ISA (Individual Savings Account) or a pension.

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The complete guide to portfolio diversification

Trying to navigate the ups and downs of market returns, investors seem to naturally want to jump in at the lows and cash out at the highs. But no one can predict when those will occur. By maintaining proper portfolio diversification and avoiding the pitfalls of market timing, you’ll have the foundation needed to help manage your overall exposure to market volatility.

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